Wednesday, March 16, 2016

But, But, Butt...

Inspiration is a message-in-a-bottle from the distant shore, a window into the other world, a tap of the muse's finger, the grace of the gods. It comes when you least expect it...
--Phil Cousineau

I have written several posts on how my subconscious often leads me in creating paintings, usually with my conscious self unaware. I have also spoken (ad nauseum, probably) about my chronic illness -- intestinal related, usually a taboo subject (at least around "proper" people).  Unfortunately, it affects many of the decisions I make in my life, although I refuse to let it rule me.

Several people have asked me why I do paintings of animal butts.  Yes, you read that right.  Before having it pointed out, I was completely unaware of this catalog of subject matter.  Now I realize that there are quite a few rear end views. I sort of see animals as the all-knowing, wise rulers of the earth, and they are a source of constant inspiration for me. It is natural for me to express -- project actually -- some of my own feelings/fears onto these creatures that I paint. So, here is my roundup:

                                  Green Zebra  (24"x 30")

                                 Bunny Butt  (18" x 36")

Roo (24" x 30")

                                     Besties (12" x 16")

Blue Emu (10" x 10")

Chickens Cooped (24" x 36")

Dog in Flower Shop   (10" x 20")

Dalmation Rear  (16" x 20")

1 comment:

  1. نحن فى ركن سيف نقدم الخدمات المنزلية الرائعة
    عزيزى العميل هل تريد بيت بدون اى حشرات طائرة او زاحفة او مهما كانت تفعل ولكنها تضايقك وتسبب لك بالانزعاج انت وعائلتك وتهدد حياتكم مع انها حشرات صغير ولا تعنى اى شئ بالنسبة لضخامة الانسان ولكنها كائنات خبيثة ومرتدة ومصيرها فقط هو السحق فاذا اردت مؤسسة لمكافحة الحشرات بالاحساء تواصل معنا
    مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء

    واذا كنت تريد او تقوم برش منزلك بالمبيدات الآمنة فلا عليك الا بااوائل القطيف هى شركة لا تقدم خدماتها الا فى القطيف باذن الله ولكنها تمتاز بالامتياز وهى رقم (1) فى المملكة اتصل بنا
    شركة رش مبيدات
