Shark Week just finished up in our house. Thankfully our annual trip to the beach occurred before all of the TV shows aired. It is during this week that both of my boys declare sharks as their favorite animals, and shark books from the library fill the house.
The boys LOVE scary movies. They talked me in to letting them watch The Birds when they were 5 and 6. They love the shot when the birds have eaten the guy's eyeballs out. They've seen it 4-5 times now and ever flinched, so when they asked to watch Jaws at 7 and 8 years old, I figured they wouldn't freak out. And they didn't. They LOVED it. For a week afterward, they walked around saying, "We're gonna need a bigger boat" (rest in peace Roy Scheider).
The same week I was making some new notecards and I ran across a cute photo of two little boys holding up a fish that one of them caught. Too cute to resist, I was trying to find a good quote when one of my boys walked by and muttered, without even realizing he said it, "we're gonna need a bigger boat..." I realized I had my quote. Here's how it turned out,